None of this is written to discredit Nintendo. NC is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way. This mirror is not affiliated with SMBHQ or VGF in any way, either. This mirror is also not affiliated with Jay in any way. Enjoy.
 The counter below was started on July 1, 1998. There have been many hits uncounted for since September 6, 1997; though hits don't really matter anymore. Good riddance to Kyle and his casino-ad-laden ghost of SMBHQ. Special thanks goes to all the fans who have contributed content to this site. As another note, all of the sprites of the characters used here are owned and are copyrighted by their respective companies (AKA Nintendo and Hal). All characters are property of their creators--we do not claim any of these characters as our own.

NC's main page looks best in a resolution at least 1280 x 1024, but the comix themselves are so narrow that even a lowly 800 x 600 or even 640 x 480 resolution can see them properly.