Captain Syrup's speeches site

(10/3/04) :

Syrup: Here I be to introduce me new plan for hiring more NCs to do comic work. As it stands, a lot of NCs have yet to even make an appearence on th site, especially the newer ones. If ye elect me, I shall institute a plan I call the "Relation System" which will allow comix to become more interwound with each other with numerous references and events in one effecting another. This will allow some neglected characters, such as Tanoomba and all of the Super Mario Bros. 2 characters, to make appearences on NC reuraly and to even have some stories starring them. And for updates? I have a plan that allows of ye to vote on what you want to see in an update! Yes, you can vote on what new parts of what stories, what Ask Donez questions, what new shorts you want to see, and even what Jay's sprite will look like this time around! It all runs perfectly.