Citrus Man's speeches site

(9/21/04) First Interview with Citruis Man:
Bob: Hi Citruis Man
Mario: Its-A-Me Mario
Bob: Oops your not Citruis Man
Mario: does Citrus man taste like speghettie
Bob: um wha
Mario: its-a-me mario
audience member 2645049662765677432:boo we want ciruis man*Throws rock at Mario's Head*
Bob: *sigh*Alright Mario do you like anything besides pasta
Cituis Man: Who is this Mario I Citrus Man Fight For Oranges Limes and Lemons
Bob: I dunno what form of the idiot is more annoying
Bob: So if you were elected president of NC what would you do
Citrus Man: Make everyone make sure they eat there Citrus
Bob: Anything else
Citris man: Its-a-me-mario
Bob: Time to go