Narrative Guy's speeches site

(9/12/04) Interview Time!

Orland: Lyle here, interviewing Narrative Guy!
Poser: Woooooooooooooo! Deathmatch!
Orland: ..okay? Narrative Guy, what is your view on the serious lack of updates?
Narrative Guy: "Well," I said pretneding that i cared, "I plan on getting however my vice president might be to take car of everything for me."
Poser: Well, at least he's honest.
Orland: Yeah. What about the Moronitsisis crisis?
Narrative Guy: "It's an easy answer," I explained. I pulled the lever behind me and watched as the idiotic announcer fell into the pit. I showed Orland how I planned to de-contaminate him from the deadly Moron disease.
Poser: Um, what's he talking about?
Narrative Guy: I shut up as I realized I was just day-dreaming, and said "If elected, I plan on hiring a S.W.A.T. team, I mean, a team of counselors to talk the moron out of patients."
Orland: Right. I'm just going to skip to the main question: how would you feel if everyone's main competition Bill the Extra Guy wins president for a second term?
Narrative Guy: "Oh, Bill's a fine man, er, bird. I'm sure I and all of the other nominees would be glad if Bill became president," I lied, hiding my rifle.
Poser: Hey, he wasn't day-dreaming that time!
Orland: Okay, can we end this before I have to go to a therapist?
Poser: Fine with me.
Narrative Guy: "All right," I told the smelly announcer.
Orland: I'm Lyle Orland,
Poser: and I'm John Poser II. Goodnight, NC Land.