Redox' election site

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Quick Candidate Profile:

What is your full name?

Which Mario game did you appear in?
Super Mario Bros. 2.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food group?

Who is your Campaign Manager?
Rayman FREAK

What is your Political Party?

Why did you join that party?
I'm of Subconian decent.

Why did you decide to run for president?
My policy is, "If Bill can do it, I should be able to do it better."

What are your plans if you're elected?
I'll run around saving people's lives. It'll be like having Batman as your president!

What is your policy on Speedos?
Speedos are allowed, but I will make it legal to pummell anybody wearing them. The question here is "What's the public's policy on Speedos?"

What is your policy on Mario?
See Q 9, but replace "Speedos" with "Mario," and replace "anybody wearing them" with "him."

What is your policy on gangs in schools?
I was in a gang in school; The Extra Gang. If elected, all gangs except the Exta Gang shall be outlawed.

What is your policy on allowing Squaresoft characters to come to NC?
Only pre-Playstation Square characters are allowed in. All others will be shot.

What is your policy on the environment?
Once I can teach my citezens the "Extra Breathing" skill, we won't need trees. Until that happens, I will protect the environment. It's on it's own after that.

Paper or plastic?
Bags are for sissies and lesser beings.

Do you have any other comments or statements that you would like to make to the voters?
Don't mess with a Ninja.