Created By: Kdawg81588
Name: Warui
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Star Temple,Mushroom Kingdom. He was made when mushroom Kingdom scientists tried to kombine a good star,and an evil star.
Friends: Koopa Kidz,Boshi
Enemies: Mari Jr.( Yes, Mari Jr. dat wasn't a typo),Lu Jr.
Good / Evil / Loner / Neutral: Evil
Description of looks: He wearz a black beanie with a W on it, he also wearz a orange football jersey that has a purple W on it. And wearz khaki JNCOs u know tha taxi print kind.
Short Description of Life: He rapz as WaruGDawg in a group w\ Iggy and Lemmy called Koopa Crew. He iz 11 yearz old and he likes Mari Jr.'s sister Strawberry(tha tyte thang iz she likez him back).He tries to capture her alot.Oh yeah he rides on Boshi.
Mario Games that this Character would fit in (Made up games or Real games): In Warui's Woodz,Smash Bros.,Koopa Kidz 1
Currently: Working on tha Koopa Crew'z first self titled LP
Other Comments: He has an ice beanie, a flame beanie,and a thunder beanie.he also has super speed and flight.