
By Tommy Sheridan

Sex: Male(?)
age:4(20 years ago in dog years)
status: alive
race: cat...Just kidding dog
number of bones eaten in one day: 11
Poochy was born on Febuary 22(thats my birthday and it was in 1982). Poochy was giid friends with a dino family called the Yoshi's.
One day eviel kamekek kidnapped baby luigi. it was up to poochy to help yoshi to get baby luigi and help baby mario get there. poochy did. Yoshi even learnd that poochy aint that stupid. poochy had a big celbration when they got home.
Then baby bowser got mad at the yoshis so he stole the super happy tree. luckly 6 egggs hatched. poochy halped these 6 young ones. Poochy halped them good. Poochy loved the yoshis.
Many years late ppoochy went on to become a major hollywood star. and he got a academy award for his performence in poochy the gallent dog.
as it looks like he will also be in mario rpg 2.
Thoughts From Jay
A wierd week for bios, this one is filled with lame (race: cat???) jokes (don�t get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with lame jokes, I use them constantly.)